
Humour of The Law – A HARD NUT TO CRACK


Old Judge Henn, a very excellent man, was dreadfully puzzled on circuit in 1789 by two pertinacious young barristers, who flatly contradicted one another as to the “law of the case.” At last they requested his lordship to decide the point. “How, gentlemen,” said the judge, “can I settle it between you? You, sir, positively say the law is one way, and you” (turning to the opposite party) “as unequivocally affirm that it is the other way. I wish to goodness, Billy Harris” (to his registrar), “I knew what the law really was!” “My lord,” replied the registrar most sentimentally, “if I pos­sessed that knowledge I would tell your lordship with a great deal of pleasure.” “Then we’ll save the point, Billy Harris!” exclaimed the judge.

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