Legal Articles


Lawyers especially in big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru have a very hectic lifestyle. Delhi being a national capital has all sorts of courts. Highest court of the country i.e Supreme court of India is in Delhi. Here lawyers are seen practising law in all courts like district court, high court, Patiala house, supreme court etc. This makes them hopping from one court to the other from morning to evening. Many times they do not get time for lunch or even snacks. This affects their health badly. This causes great stress that ultimately affects the health of hair as well. For healthy hair, a nutritious and balanced diet at regular times is a must. 

We are all aware of the menace of pollution in Delhi. These pollutants enter our bloodstream through our lungs and cause various kinds of damage and speeden up the process of aging, thus aggravating hair fall and greying of hair. Because of clogging of our lungs with pollutants, the appropriate level of oxygen does not reach our blood. Add to that, the multiple harmful chemicals present in our food and water such as pesticides, fertilizers, preservatives, coloring agents, etc that cause injury at a cellular level and interfere with the normal functioning of all cells of the body including our hair root cells, that are then unable to produce thick, healthy hair.

On top of this, professional stress, and the constant fight of trying to balance work and family, tires one out mentally. 

So what should one do? 

Lets see how to take care of ones hair in busy schedule as well

1. Eat healthy. Nutrition is of paramount importance in hair health. So instead of picking up oily, junk snacks on the go, carry a healthy lunch from home including fruits, veggies and dal. No matter how busy you are, find some time to sit and have a relaxed lunch. Sparing 15 minutes in the entire day shouldn’t be tough!

2. Drink enough water. Water helps our circulation remain active and flush out a lot of toxins as well. Carry a bottle with yourself all the time.

3. Sleep well. Yes. Do not ponder over work plans late at night. Sleep early. You may read a book or novel before hitting bed to just unwind. Avoid screen time at night. Wake up early, exercise. You may do some yoga and stretching or brisk walking. Exercising is a great way to gain confidence, as well as stamina. It elevates your mood and you feel active throughout the day. 

Sweating will also help to remove toxins from our system. 

4. Get your regular blood tests done including vitamin levels. This will give us an idea whether there is any internal problem like nutrient deficiency or hormonal imbalance.

5. Plan some breaks during work hours. You can take 5 minutes off every once in a while, relax, take deep slow breaths, recall the Almighty and thank him for whatever he has given us. It’s a great way to destress, and release some happy hormones. 

6. Cover your head if you are out in the sun or on a windy day or while on a bike.

7. If your scalp is oily or if you stay in hot and humid weather, make sure you shampoo your head atleast thrice a week.

8. Very important to massage your head with oil atleast once a week. The massage should be vigorous, and for atleast 10 minutes, leave the oil for about an hour and wash your head. This stimulates blood circulation, increases elasticity of the scalp and provides mechanical stimulation to the roots to grow. 

9. Use a shampoo according to your hair type. If your hair is oily, use a shampoo that has good cleansing action. For dry hair, use a mild sulfate and paraben free shampoo, having a good conditioning effect. If you have dandruff, use an antidandruff shampoo. Your dermatologist could tell you about the best shampoo for your hair type.

Last but not the least, if following these simple measures does not control your hairfall and hair thinning, visit a dermatologist before it’s too late. If the correct treatment is taken at the correct time it is very much possible to stop hair loss and infants regain hair that has recently shed off. However delay in treatment can cause irreversible hair loss causing baldness and scanty looking hair.

So start your hair care today without any further delay!

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