Good Living

Good Living- Ashtanga Namaskara

“It is an attempt to relieve the mind, heart and body of not only the Lawyers who are under huge work pressure but also of all our readers, who are facing the very common and ever increasing problem of stress.”

We are suggesting some selected Yog Asanas to rejuvenate your body. Next in the series is:

Ashtanga Namaskara


  • Massages Abdominal Organs
  • Makes Spine strong and flexible
  • Regulates Endocrine Functions
  • Reduces the Possibility of Heart Attack
  • Strengthens Upper Body
  • Stimulates Chakras


  • Begin by coming into the Plank pose. Your palms well stretched and deep-seated. Your toes firm on the floor and heels apart.
  • Now, exhale and drop your knees, chest down and shoulder to the floor. While coming down engage your core muscles to slowly acquire the posture.
  • Your elbows should be in the vicinity of the ribs. The shoulder should be in between the palms and are rolled up forward to allow the expansion of the chest.
  • From here, raised the hips and let your abdomen and mid-torso engage completely so that, either your chin or forehead touch the floor.
  • Assure that your belly is pulled in, with a slight upraised arch in your entire back. Your body should be on both toes, both knees, both hand,s, and either the chin or the forehead, respectively.
  • Maintain here and breathe slowly for few minutes or as per the comfort. Then inhale and slowly raised your chin, chest, shoulder, leave the belly and knees up into the Plank pose.

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