Good Living

Your Body – Airplane Pose

We are suggesting some selected Yog Asanas to rejuvenate your body. Next in the series is:


Airplane Pose (Dekasana)


Airplane pose can improve your balance and strengthen your leg and arm muscles. Your thigh muscles of the balancing leg get a good workout and build up your core muscles. Moreover, while trying to keep the balance, your focus and concentration will also improve.


  • Stand in the mountain pose with chest opening to the front and back straight.
  • Keep your arms close to the sides of the body and shoulder blades pulled back.
  • Micro bend your knees, with inhale, lift your right leg back while keeping your left foot firmly planted on the ground.
  • Straighten the knees of both the legs once you have completely stretched your leg back. The left foot toes should be facing forward.
  • Bring your hands to the center of your chest. Pause for balance
  • Reach your arms back toward your sides like wings
  • Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths.

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