Supreme Court Guidelines


K.A. Abbas v. The Union of India & Another
AIR 1971 SC 481: 1971 SCR (2) 446: 1970 (2) sec 780: 1971 (2) SCJ 242
Dated: September 24, 1970
BENCH: Justices M. Hidayatullah, J.M. Shelat, G.K. Mitter, C.A. Vaidyialingam and A.N. Ray.

In Ranjit D. Udeshi v. State of Maharashtra, (1965) 1 SCR 65: AIR 1965 SC 881, this court laid down certain Principles on  which  the obscenity of a book was  to  be considered with a view to deciding whether the  book should  be allowed  to  circulate  or withdrawn. Those principles apply mutatis mutandis to  films and  also other  areas  besides  obscenity. The Khosla  Committee  also  adopted  them  and  recommended  them  for  the  guidance  of the film censors. We may reproduce them here as summarized by the Khosla Committee:

“The Supreme Court laid down the following principles which must be carefully studied and applied by our censors when they have to  deal with  a film said  to  be objectionable  on the ground of indecency or immorality:-

1. Treating with sex and nudity in art and literature cannot be regarded as evidence of obscenity without something more.

2. Comparison of one book with another to find the extent of permissible action is not necessary.

3. The  delicate  task of deciding what is artistic and what is obscene has to  be performed by courts and in  the last  resort,  by the Supreme  Court  and so, oral  evidence  of men of literature or others on the question of obscenity is not relevant.

4. An overall  view of the obscene  matter  in  the setting of the whole work would  of course be necessary but the obscene matter must be considered  by itself and  separately to find out whether it is so gross  and its obscenity is so decided  that it is likely to deprave or corrupt those whose minds are open  to  influence  of this sort  and  into whose hands the book is likely to fall.

5. The interest  of contemporary society and  particularly  the influence  of the  book etc., on it must not be overlooked.

6. Where obscenity and art are mixed, art must be so  preponderating  as  to  throw obscenity into shadow or render the obscenity so trivial and  insignificant  that it can have no effect and can be overlooked.

7. Treating with sex in a manner offensive to public decency or morality which are the words of our [1965]  1 SCR 65  Fundamental  Law  judged  by our  national standards and considered likely to  pender to lascivious,  prurient or sexually precocious minds must determine the result.

8. When there is propagation of ideas, opinions and information or public interests or profits, the interests of society may tilt the scales in favour of free speech and expression. Thus books on medical science with intimate illustrations and photographs though in a sense immodest, are not to be considered obscene, but the same illustrations and photographs collected in a book without the medical text would certainly be considered to be obscene.

9. Obscenity without a preponderating social purpose or profit cannot have the constitutional protection of free speech or expression. Obscenity is treating with sex in a manner appealing to the carnal side of human nature or having that tendency. Such a treatment with sex is offensive to modesty and, decency.

10. Knowledge  is not  a part of the guilty act. The  offender’s  knowledge  of the obscenity of the book is not required under the law and it is a case of strict liability.

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