Good Living

Good Living – Your Body

“It is an attempt to relieve the mind, heart and body of not only the Lawyers who are under huge work pressure but also of all our readers, who are facing the very common and ever increasing problem of stress.”


Airplane Pose 


Airplane pose can improve your balance and strengthen your leg and arm muscles. Your thigh muscles of the balancing leg get a good workout and build up your core muscles. Moreover, while trying to keep the balance, your focus and concentration will also improve.


• Stand in the mountain pose with the chest opening to the front and back straight.

• Keep your arms close to the sides of the body and shoulder blades pulled back.

• Micro bend your knees, inhale, lift your right leg back while keeping your left foot firmly planted on the ground.

• Straighten the knees of both the legs once you have completely stretched your leg back. The left foot toes should be facing forward.

• Bring your hands to the center of your chest. Pause for balance

• Reach your arms back toward your sides like wings

• Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths.

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