Good Living

Your Body – Baddha Konasana

“It is an attempt to relieve the mind, heart and body of not only the Lawyers who are under huge work pressure but also of all our readers, who are facing the very common and ever increasing problem of stress.”

Your Body
We are suggesting some selected Yog Asanas to rejuvenate your body. Next in the series is:


Baddha Konasana


• It stretches the groin and inner thighs.
• Increases the flexibility of knees, ankles, feet and hips.
• Opens pelvic region.
• Best prenatal exercise and relieves menstrual issues.
• Especially beneficial in urinary disorders.
• Cut down the tension from the groin part and gap up the hips and inner thighs.
• Beneficial for the lumbar region.
• Useful in flat feet, high blood pressure.
• Very beneficial in infertility and asthma.


• Begin by sitting in a Dandasana over the mat. Legs should be straight and back erect. Relax and find your place here.
• Now, gradually bend your knees and draw your heel close to the pelvis. Try to drop down your knees and touch them firmly to the ground.
• From here, grab your toes from the index, middle, and thumb finger to bring the heel as near as possible to the pelvic. Remember, do not force the heel and manage distance as your hip opening demands.
• Beginners can go for ankle and shin to bring heel nearer to their pelvis.
• Further, sit in a way that your tailbone and pubis remain at the same distance from the floor. Your pelvis should be in a neutral position and perineum parallel to the floor.
• Lengthen your torso from top of the sternum and firm the sacrum as well as shoulder blades while back straight. This will entitle the posture with the final touch.
• Always keep in mind that never try to push knees to the floor. You can push the head of the thigh bone as it will bring knees down in an unharmful manner. However, regular practice will set up ease.
• Hold the posture for 5 to 10 minutes or as per the comfort level while deep inhale and exhale.

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